Sunday, May 24, 2020

The White Privilege Of Education - 893 Words

tand then be expected to be living a life of prosperity today? Whites knew without an education Black people would not be able to eradicate the dire dilemma slavery put them in. Thus, that was the sole reason this particular White Privilege has been unanimously withheld from Blacks for almost their entire existence in the United States. It was not until 1968 when the doors were swung open and school segregation was determined unlawful in â€Å"all schools† across the US ( were Black people given access to education, especially a college degreed education. Hence, if Macintosh pondered what her White Privilege gave to her that really mattered to most Black people and if she really wanted her article to do its part towards disbanding the permanency of racism, which she eludes to in the article, then she would have pondered the White Privilege of education and she would have listed the lack education has been for centuries for Black people among her White Privile ges. She would have even, highlighted such an important White Privilege. Yet most of the â€Å"White Privileges† Ms. Macintosh listed were blasà ©, at most. And as many years since Ms. Macintosh wrote the article, White Privilege, it boggles the mind that people consider it so profound that it is still being, today, in schools, colleges, and universities to discuss racism in the US. However, the core of Macintosh’s White Privileges are uneducated Black. They have been and are the fuel to Macintosh’s WhiteShow MoreRelatedEssay on Racism and White Privilege in the Education System3426 Words   |  14 Pagesin the Declaration of Independence. Many believe that race is no longer an issue, a viewpoint frequently referred to as color-blindness. National polling data indicated that a majority of whites now believe discrimination against racial minorities no longer exists. 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